MISSION of the National Police Cadet Corps is to develop our members to be active citizens and community leaders, by working in partnership with Singapore Police Force to fight crime and keep Singapore safe.


The VISION of the National Police Cadet Corps is to become the best youth organisation in Singapore, one that actively helps to make Singapore the safest place in the world.


In accordance with our MISSION and observing our objectives, we believe that our association with the National Police Cadets Corps will:

1. ENSURE our growth by exposing us to a challenging enviroment which, in turn will imbibe us with leadership qualities, strong characters and civic, social and moral values.

2. ENLIGHTEN us on the role of the Singapore Police Force, help to bulid a stronger bond of friendship with them, and so lead to a safer place for all in the country.

3. As part of a culture that encourages us to treat fellow cadets with respect, courtesy and tact, TEACH us to extend the same care and concern to others.

4. As a result of our identification with the Singapore Police Force TEACH us to adopt its tradition of high standards of performance, commitment, duty and service, to seek to excel and to face up to challenge.

Monday, 29 October 2012

Passing out & Promotion parade

On 9th June 2012, We have our Passing out parade for our Secondary 4, Cadet Leaders. While Promotion parade for our Secondary 1s to 3s cadets. Firstly, we have our parade then followed by the performance done by cadets of secondary 1,2 and 3. Everything went on smoothly, we shall leave you to the pictures and speech ~ 
Here's the link to the video we've made for our Cadet Leaders! Done by the Secondary 3, squad Pirates ! http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=3287661850828

Reflection from cadets:


My squad mates and I did not wish for that day to come but we had to go through. Passing out, it may be simple to hear but going through the process is difficult. That is the day when we leave all our worries of our unit to the hands of our next cadets’ leaders. It was the day when my squad mates and I can be prince and princess and leave all the arrangement to the sec3. I can truly say that the whole event was planned well by the sec3’s; on behalf of my squad I would like to thank the sec3. That day was really memorable, it was the last day my squad and I could stand together and pass out in the parade. The memories I shared together with my squad mates will never be erased.
-Station Inspector Hema of 4 Compassion, Squad Piranhas

This year POP is not an ordinary one, because its for the Piranhas had been together for 4 years! Facing many obstacles for the fact that we are a small group of 6 but we live up to out squad name being PIRANHAS - small but POWERFUL!! However, the POP means the service of us Piranhas to NPCC, has ended. During the performances dedicated to us we had a great time even though it's not very good, but I know, its the thought that counts; the slideshow brings back memories of Piranhas together. Finally, not to mention the surprise birthday celebration for hazwan and me, but again, even though its not very surprising but, I got that!! 
-SSGT Raymond Tan of 4 Graciousness, Squad Piranhas 


On behalf of my squad mates, I want to thank Piranhas for their hard work and helping us to attain a GOLD of our Overall Proficiency Award 2011. This road of them has never been easy, no matter how hard the road is, how rough the ocean can be; They are always there for us when we need them, and they are always there guiding us throughout this path we've choose to walk. Behind each training they've planned is lots of hard work being putted in. Words can't express how much we loved you, how much "Thank you" we want to say, and how much "Sorry" we want to tell... But most importantly, is the process that brings tears to joy, angry to happiness, and broken smile to a new beginning. In life, no matter how far you go, which path you choose, may be you could stop for a while and look back at those memories created here in NPCC(SEA).  Thanks for being a friend to us, a sibling to us, and someone whom we can turn to when we needed someone to talk to... Last but not least, Thanks for being there for us through thick and thins, calm ocean and rough waves !:) WE LOVED YOU ! 
-CPL Cheryl Tham of 3 Benevolence, Squad Pirates  


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